The Presidents Speech

The President Speech There are not many living authors that can claim that they have been quoted and mentioned as inspiration for a Presidents Speech.  Of course, admittedly, it is phenomenal and the writer would be justified in boasting about his accomplishment.  Yet Paulo Coelho is so humble, (after all he is the most inspiring … Continue reading

Tony Robbins – Unlock what’s stopping you

Tony Robbins is probably one of the most inspiring speakers of our time, he has helped so many people to regain and refocus their life.  Not only is he brilliant in his professional life but he also runs a charitable foundation.  Below is a great video of Tony’s, I hope you enjoy it. (Visit Tony’s … Continue reading

The Butterfly

Today a friend called me to tell me about an opportunity that had been given to him which would offer him a short-cut  – it would mean that he would skip several stages of the process resulting in him missing much valuable experience.  I explained to him that sometimes certain stages in the process are … Continue reading

Command the mind

I love this short story I found on Paulo Coelho’s blog – it makes a great point.  Hope you enjoy it. Command The Mind After having won many archery contests, the town champion went to the Zen master. – I am the best of all – he said. – I didn’t study religion, never sought … Continue reading

The Angel on Earth

The Angel on Earth In heaven there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God, “They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but I am very scared, how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?” God replied, “Among the many angels … Continue reading